After a weekend's appearance at Nascar events, unsurprisingly it was his first time, Candidate Giuliani, according to the NY Times, started working in a new section in his stump speech.
“I ask you this question: If America is going in the wrong direction, where is the rest of the world going?” he said at a town hall meeting on Saturday in Jacksonville, Fla. “Where is Russia going? Where is England going? Where is France going? Where is Africa going? If we are going in the wrong direction, the rest of the world is falling off a cliff.”
Apparently, the reception was less than enthusiastic. Rudy has tried to portray himself, in his 12 Commitments--not a bad name for a band, by the way--and in other ways, as a new voice in the Republican party. Does he think he'll win even the nomination with a bland and wide-ranging approval of where the Bush Presidency has led us?
He might be trying to channel the spirit of Reagan who famously used a positive and optimistic message to defeat what was perceived as the pessimism of the Carter years. But Reagan--not the great President people like to make him out to be now--had a positive message about change, not just an "aren't things dandy" position. Good luck, Rudy!
I'm voting for the ghost whisperer. Not because I think she's qualified, but because I think President Love Hewit has a nice ring to it. Also, President J. Blige.
I am keeping my voting intentions close to my chest or, as I prefer to say, bosom.
hey shirtless wonder, you're shaking in your milanos, aren't you?
I plan to have creme brulee for desert.
Milanos? You mean those impossible to resist cookies from Pepperidge Farm?
So, Rudy's campaigner in South Carolina distributes cocaine and his family-values guy in Louisiana frequents prostitutes. It seems Rudy never learned anything from hiring Bernie Kerik. Maybe four years of Rudy just would be four more years of Bushie!
I have come to the conclusion that your anti-rudy status is merely a bias based on him being mayor of a City you detest since its no where near Indiana. :)
Those are cheap shots. Are you supposed to follow the Senator around to every whorehouse before making a decision to hire him?
It's a pattern of behavior. He hires people and puts his fate in their hands without worrying about their actions. He did it in New York and he will do it as President. He's a lousy judge of character.
And I like New York. In fact, I like it a lot. I don't like people who go to Nascar events to seem down-home or who wear cowboy boots to seem like one of the people.
That's nonsense. As Mayor, the guy hired hundreds of top level crats...many of them wise, learned and very professional. You take three instances and exploit them for your own premise which is woefully shortsighted.
We agree on para #2. I don't like Nascar, period.
Look, as far as the character stuff goes, I just see Rudy as more of the Bush-nothing is my fault school. His marriages weren't, Kerik wasn't, the lack of masks at the WTC wasn't, this stuff isn't. Great!
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